Welcome to the Keene State College Archive and Special Collections website!



College Archives collects and preserves the records of Keene State College that document the history of the school from its inception in 1909 and up the present. The records include administrative and department records, reports and publications, photographs and scrapbooks, and school memorabilia. The Archives also holds a collection of course catalogs, school yearbooks, and student newspapers. 



The Special Collections consists of rare and unique books, papers, and manuscripts that were acquired for their historical, cultural, and scholarly importance and to support the college curriculum and undergraduate research. The Special Collections features a rare book library that includes the Preston New Hampshire History Collection and the Frank Shuffelton Modern Poetry Collection. The holdings also include the papers of political activist Doris “Granny D” Haddock, civil rights activist Jonathan Daniels, award-winning journalist William Seamans, NH film producer Louis de Rochemont, and NH Poet Laureates William Butts, Patricia Fargnoli, and Marie Harris. The Special Collections also houses the internationally-recognized Orang Asli Archive, a research collection dedicated to preserving the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia.



KSCommons is a digital resource tool used to collect and archive the electronic records of enduring value produced by the academic and administrative departments of the College. KSCommons also provides a means to accumulate and share the research, scholarly, and artistic output of the Keene State academic community.



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College Archives & Special Collections

Wallace E. Mason Library

Keene State College

229 Main Street / MS 3201

Keene, New Hampshire  03435 USA


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Email Address:

archivist (at) keene.edu

  • Washing clothes
    On reverse: 11:55 2/2/92 Snah pounds wash on a rock
  • Washing clothes
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:50 Wab Snah, Dob's elber sister, Dob in the BG, washes clothes at Dob's pool. At 11, Snah no longer removes all her clothes when bathing
  • Children bathing
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:47 #36 Other girls join Dob. Tho Dob sometimes covers her vagina w/her hand, younger girls don't bother. Shaven heads vs. lice - a constant problem. LT -> RT 1, Wa' Do' 2, d/o Tija 3, d/o Angur (w. co'ah, d/o Tija) 4, ? 5, d/o Tija
  • Man sitting on rock
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:46 #35 Beib Cnagoh, Dob's Fa, having taken the lib off the fire, continues to poke his rook (poison)
  • Child bathing
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:46 Dob at tnlor where her dad washed his dook apparatus, in the pool she made
  • Child bathing
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:45 Wab Dob bathing at tnlor [1/2 bamboo conduit for little stream [arrow] waterfall/shower]
  • Scraping poison from wok
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:35 Beib Cnagoh stirred up fire, and got a tongue depressor sized longitudinal strip of bamboo skin (made while making filter) from the dump. He folds it into a "U" scrapes the bottom of the U along the base of the lib, collecting the dark orange powder in the base of the U as a bored Dob fusses w/the tnlor to make a pool
  • Scraping poison from wok
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:26 Beib Cnagoh scrapes residue, now a damp powder, off the sides of the wok w/his jnin; he scrapes it off onto his 4 darts [see notes]
  • Warming wok on fire
    On reverse: Beib Cnagoh and Wab Dob 11:20 2/2/92 BC has just added a little (< 2 tbs) of water from the tnlor to the wok, which he has replaced on the fire. While he waits, he readjusts the 4 darts so the tips are a little closer to the embers, adds a little more poison to each; then tips wok back and forth, sloshing the now hot water back and forth. Dob watches, then, restless, fiddles w/a young banana tree, singing fragments of Malay pop songs
  • Darts by embers
    On reverse: 2/2/92 28 Beib Cnagoh works on a 4th dart, the 1st 3 in place. After, he scrapes jnin against lip of jalob
  • Putting poison on dart
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:17 #27 Beib Cnagoh loads up a dart w/poison from the jnin, lays it point-up on a stick by the embers of the fire. Repeats w/another, and another
  • Scraping poison from wok
    On reverse: 2/2/92 11:15 #26 Beib Cnagoh says "Lah ced" ["Already cooked"], scraping the bottom of the lib w/his jnin. Women don't cook poison: "Maay syoh maay baal" they fear they get intoxicated. If you don't know how to, you die. In photo, he's sticking the jnin in and out like a piston "hi-jeey dab bab-har" we/one stirs [?] [optative particle] melt/dissolve
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