Sitting in the woods
On reverse: Icek 1.4.92 #6 Ngah s/o Klip gilab typical pose 1:35pm
Man butchering pig
On reverse: Icek 30.3.92 #3 Minor cuts skinned pig quarters on mam)b leaves 6:21pm
Butchering pig
On reverse: Icek 30.3.92 #2 Poison "Flesh and blood" T-shirt at pig skinning 6:16pm yo.man Ngah
Man butchering animal
On reverse: Icek 30.3.92 #1 skinning pig, 6:10pm Mnah Klotur From Taw Przgab
Children playing
On reverse: 18.5.92 #37 Umbi & Jaleha playing house - leaves = folk
Girl playing on ground
On reverse: 18.5.92 #36 bAnib playing house nearby, c 5:30pm leaves = folk
Girl playing in the dirt
On reverse: Icek 18.5.92 #35 Jaleha playing house - durian leaves = folk
Weaving rack
On reverse: 18.5.92 #34 weaving rack for jmpeer, Mat Ariff's
Round basket
On reverse: 16.5.92 #33 see #32 AMNH #59
Round basket
On reverse: 18.5.92 #32 round winnowing basket with eel back brnir - small, model, made for sale to tourists AMNH #59 see #33
Brushing child's hair
On reverse: 18.5.92 #31 MA combing her hair - see #28, #30
Blurry photo of child
On reverse: 18.5.92 #30 MA's newly adopted child
On reverse: 18.5.92 #29 Weaving rack for winnowing basket, Mat Ariff's
Older man and young child
On reverse: 18.5.92 #28 Mat Ariff & adopted 1/2 Tamil child; MA's 80 or so
Two dead birds
On reverse: 16.5.92 #27 see #26
Dead birds
On reverse: 16.5.92 #26 little birds ID'd by Ilah (5) as brbob & piyeh - but Tkoy says ceb tenb (this confirmed by Roluah, who says more yellow bird on LT is [male symbol] other [female symbol])
Pent adjusting slingshot
On reverse: Icek 16.5.92 Pent putting "rubber" on his slingshot
On reverse: Icek 16.5.92 Pent's & AMNH's slingshots
Boy holding dead bird
On reverse: Icek 16.5.92 #23 see #22
Child with dead bird
On reverse: Icek 16.5.92 #22 tranib baluw which greaR stit Pent says adults can but kids can't eat it
Child with slingshot
On reverse: Icek 16.5.92 Pent with newly-made stid
On reverse: 16.5.92 Icek kids making stid
Two baskets
On reverse: 16.5.92 ragab and inner basket ragab skr)k has pandanas liner r. moid has tight weave
Close up of handle
On reverse: 16.5.92 yoit handle is nazka (AMNH #45, 47)
Tobacco bags
On reverse: 16.5.92 tobacco bags - kampid undyed: raised woven design = buRab sambaw (Eleusive indica Flower) dyed: pattern is buzab prah