Letter, Florence Stoff to George Stoff, April 10, 1944, Letter 2


Stoff Family
Mrs. F. Stoff
c/o J. Gaven
Sackett Lake

Pvt. George Stoff (42050100)
Fort Snelling, Minn.

Sunday afternoon
George, my darling,
The country is so quiet and restful to-day and it really doesn’t look like Easter Sunday here. It would be good to watch the Easter parade with you and Jimmie but we’ll put that off until another year. It’s been so many years since I’ve seen the Easter parade and perhaps you’ll have better luck in your town where they sometimes show-up the New Yorkers with better taste. Hope you are well and happy and a very pleasant day to you, my dearest. Happy Easter.

We’re all just fine and dandy but the weather is still not too nice. The sun comes out for a few moments and then goes behind gray clouds; what a tease it’s been to-day so far. Baby looks wonderful with his rosy cheeks and roguish laughter. Jan is just his opposite in appearance and looks more like an Indian doll. They’re getting along fine to-gether and so far we’ve had an enjoyable week-end. My sisters are simply swell to me and scold me if I attempt to do too much.

After finishing your letter yesterday, we all sat down to a delicious roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings. Bess is well stocked with food and plenty of everything. She prepared sponge cake and all kinds of goodies and things. In the afternoon I drove into town with the gang and mailed your letter, did a little shopping and Bess had an appointment with the doctor. She lost 2 ½ lbs in a week and is on a strict diet.

The babies had their supper early and we also had ours soon after. Bess went to the movies and Eleanor and I sat, relaxed, knit and listened to the radio. Then Eleanor was very good to me and drew a bath for me. I sure enjoyed that bit of luxury and went to bed shortly after (about 10 p.m.)

This morning we all awoke bright and early, Jimmie slept well in his crib and I also had a good night’s rest. Then for a good breakfast and outdoors immediately after. We all took a long walk down the road, even the dog “Duke” (he’s a pain in the neck to me) and when we got back to the house, we were all so hungry. The babies had their naps in the meantime and later a good lunch. We just finished our dinner and expect to take another walk because the weather is clearing up nicely. My mother called this morning and all is well in Brooklyn. The sisters are rushing me so until to-morrow, my darling, all my love to you as usual.

Also wrote a long letter yesterday to Mom and Pop and my mother will call them to-morrow to tell them we’re all fine.

I still love you so very much, dearest George, miss you terribly and am so impatient for the time to go quickly so that we may be together again soon.

Love from all. A kiss and hug from precious and keep well darling.
As always,
P.S. Can you manage to get a carriage for baby?
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1944

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