Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, February 21, 1944, Letter 3


Stoff Family
Pvt. Geo. Stoff 42050100
Co A 735 Ry OPN BN
Camp Plauche, New Orleans LA.

Mrs. Florence Stoff
3021 Ave. I
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Sunday, 2-21-44

Florence, Sweetheart:
The sound of your voice, the touch of your hand, and your kisses are the features I admire most about you. These days I have to be content with the sound of your voice as the other two are not practical. But believe me, dearest, just talking to you for those few minutes was ever so much in making it possible for me to carry on. I hope the effect is the same on you, because during this trying period we must be satisfied with so little. I love you more dearly each day if that were possible, and I am always most happy when you reassure me over the phone that you and Jim are well. Nothing else matters to me at present, and I hope it will continue this way forever. Stay well, behaved, keep yourself and Jim happy, and before long I will be home once again to drown you in personal devotion and love.

After I phoned you, and because there was such a beautiful sunrise I decided to go to town, have my pants pressed, my jacket adjusted (it felt too big) and have dinner (and breakfast) in town. Arrived in town about 10, and it has been raining ever since, so I am sitting in my favorite U S O club and writing letters. My jacket was fixed and feels much better now, it was just too roomy, and you know what a crab I am. When the rain lets up we are going to an Italian place to eat dinner; but my heart will be with you sitting in La Palina.

Darling, I realize how difficult it is to be separated, and I have dwelt much on the subject of solving this problem, but coming to New Orleans with Jim would certainly be a rough deal. I know you would it most uncomfortable under present conditions. I am hopeful that the next camp, at which we will get technical training will be closer to home, and then we will see what we can do about being together again. It is just as hard for me to advise you to be patient as it is for me to take my own advice, but it is the only thing we can do, so let us try awfully hard to take these hard knocks, and carry on cheerfully.

I wrote Dan, Billy Rukel and Ernie Detwiler to-day, also the folks. I expect to write a few more replies, have dinner, and get back to camp to do some studying. There is little of note to relate to-day. Did I tell you that a large stockade was built at one end of the camp, and that about 500 Italian prisoners of war were interned there? I saw some of them to-day, and most of them were young and healthy looking. They are treated fine, and get just about the same chow we do. Of course, none of the luxury items, but surely a great deal better than they were accustomed to in Italy.

Hope you, Jim and the folks are in good health and spirits. Please try to keep them in good spirits, and I also wrote Sam and Kay to be in close contact with them. I know the longer Bob and I are away the more they worry and concern themselves. Glad your mother, sisters and Joel are O.K., and I think it is much better that you are on good terms with Thelma than otherwise. If for no other reason than it helps to break up the monotony of things. Under separate cover I will forward you a copy (duplicate) of my 1943 tax return which you please file in the tin file box. You will notice I am claiming an $83 refund on taxes paid. Hope we get away with it.

Stay well, dearest, keep after Jim’s talking dept., and don’t worry, all will be well soon. Keep me advised about Mr. Pincus. With love in my mind for you always, please kiss Jim for me, and give my best to everyone.
As ever,
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1944

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