Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, Fort Snelling, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 8, 1944
- Description
- Letter, 6 Pages, Envelope
- Contributor
- Stoff Family
- Creator
- Stoff, George
- Date
- 1944-06-08
- Format
- Identifier
- https://commons.keene.edu/s/KSCArchive/item/9461
- Language
- eng
- Rights
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Type
- Text
- Text
Cpl. G. Stoff, 42050100
Co. A. 735th Ry. Opn. Bn.
Fort Snelling, Minn.
Mrs. G. Stoff
3021 Avenue I,
Brooklyn 10, N.Y.
Thursday 6 - 8 – 44
Florence, dearest:
Your Tuesday air-mail letter giving me a blow by blow description of the waiting procedure surrounding Joel’s operation arrived to-day, as did your Monday letter. However, I am still in the dark as to the findings and results of the operation. I do hope that all went well, and that tomorrow’s letter will have more details. I quite realize how disturbed and tense some of you are at present, but believe it is only a small portion of my own feelings. Sitting around, doing almost nothing, day after day, hoping and wishing, for that transfer to go thru certainly has me on edge. Have, as yet, not been able to get any further information, and haven’t been able to find the chaplain since I spoke with him on Tuesday. However, I’m on his trail, and perhaps I’ll catch him in, later in the day.
Now that Jim has decided to stand up and do it like a man, you must be pretty proud of your efforts to accomplish this. It only goes to prove that environment is a great factor in a child’s or person’s life and I know that you and I are going to be able to supply that environment when this is over and we are together again. I am glad that he is all boy in his actions, despite his curly hair and beautiful cheeks. It certainly won’t do him any harm to be a little handsome, and may even be an asset to him as he grows older. All this only proves what wonderful care and attention you have given him from the start, and will continue to give our offspring. I love you all the more for it, and I’m just as proud of you, my sweetheart, as I am of Jim. Keep after him, teach him the right from wrong, the good from evil, to be kind, generous and upright. Teach him to love his mommy and daddy, because they love him, and not because they are his parents. Yes, honey, teach him, the world is going to need a brighter, smarter new generation to prevent further madness as the world has to-day.
I am glad you had the battery attended to, and the dents and the scratches on the car will also be repaired soon. I realize I keep giving you bills to meet, but if necessary drawn on your reserve to adjust the necessary matters. Have you had any notice about my income tax refund? The market in some of our stocks has improved since the invasion, so manage to keep Mr. Pincus on the ball and watch our dogs. The 5th War Loan Drive starts on Monday, and if possible buy a $50 bond for us this month. However, should you be left short as a result of such a purchase, buy a $25 bond. I expect to have enough money left at the end of the month to also buy a $25 bond; if I do I’ll register it in yours and Jimmy’s name for him. There are rumors that soldiers, having the grade of corporal and above will have to subscribe to bonds for not less than $6.25 per month. I don’t mind doing this, since as a corporal I receive $31.30 for myself after all deductions. My base pay is $66 per month. I feel certain I’ll be able to manage on whatever is left. Have you any ideas or suggestions on this subject?
I’m happy that you phoned the office and spoke to Kess. He must be plenty worried these days, what with the invasion and his boys over there. I wrote Mr. Brown yesterday, and also thanked him for the usual. To-day I also received a letter from Bob, and Ruth Suvall (who works in the office). Nothing new or startling, just run of the mill news and gossip.
This mail-clerk’s job gives me practically all day to do nothing, and so I read, write, practice typing, sleep, and dream about you and Jim all the time. I have 2 pictures of my favorite pin-up sweetheart and boy on the wall directly in front of me, and I spend a great deal of my time ogling both pictures. You and Jim smile to me all the time, and I feel as though you are with me every moment. Gosh, how wonderful it will be when this is all over and we can be together again, light-hearted, free and happy.
During the day I had my hair-cut (40¢) and read the latest invasion news, which sounds encouraging. To-night after chow we are going to the movies to see the “Eve of St. Mark.” Last night we played pool for a while, and I think I’m improving. My ping-pong game is much better, and when this war comes to an end I hope we both get a chance to improve our dancing. I hope you will believe me when I tell you that despite all the U.S.O. and other dances I have attended I have never danced once since I came into the army, and I don’t intend to. I’m saving all my dancing ability, such as it is, for you, my sweetheart.
Hope all is well with you, Jim, the folks, and your sisters. You might remind Mom and Pop to write; but I suppose Eleanor is much too busy these days, but since you keep me up to date on current events I don’t mind. Stay well, darling, don’t worry. Kiss Jim for me, and see that he kisses mommy for daddy. With all my love and devotion, you find me
As ever
P.S. I am running low on Pincus’s air mail envelopes which accounts for my using the full mail privileges lately.
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- Keene State College
- Item sets
- Stoff 1944
Position: 4761 (51 views)