Letter, Florence Stoff to George Stoff, Brooklyn, New York, June 2, 1945


Stoff Family
Friday eve –
June 1st 1945

Dearest Sweetheart,
Although thousands of miles separate us, we are really together always. Loving each other the way we do makes us into one and this unholy separation will soon be ended. We’ll need patience, patience, and more patience until that very happy reunion occurs. So, my darling, don’t worry and you try to have some fun meanwhile. Jim and I are almost set for the summer but the cool weather upset our plan and we’ll be leaving in a few days.

The folks are well, my family just fine and Jim and I are in swell spirits. Mom and Dad had a call from Bob today and he’s fine. My sister Bess called from Monticello and expects us all up by next week. Have no fear about my summer because Bess is living at the hotel and only my mother and I are staying at the house. Eleanor will be up only weekends and I doubt if Thelma will come up often due to her new, good job. If there are any disagreements or unpleasantness, I know what to do - I’m not at all bashful. All is quite serene at home.

Finally two letters arrived from my only sweetheart today and I was indeed a happy lady to read those newsy letters. They were dated May 23 and 24th #138 – #139 and came in good time. My mail will be transferred to my country address and arrangements will be made for the exchange to go to the store where Eleanor works (Raly’s). Those pictures you sent are interesting to look at and I have all of them set aside for that album.

Today was another busy day for me. Jim and I arose early, cleaned up, dressed and went outdoors by 10am. It was cloudy and cool but we picked up the car at the paint shop (opposite the post office) and a good job was done on it. I just hope the claim check comes through soon as promised. I did some marketing and then drove Jim to my mom’s house where he had lunch. Eleanor and I left for the city (Jim ate well and then napped) and my mom stayed with Jimmie. We went to a mattress concern and ordered 2 fine mattress at 40.00 each (which is quite cheap today). They’ll be delivered within 10 days and if I’m not home Eleanor will have the key to our apartment so she’ll let them in. It wasn’t too late so we went down to Orbacks and I bought a pair of lovely black suede shoes, Eleanor bought a bag and we looked at some toppers which were too costly (35.00). They’ll have others in and Eleanor will get one for me.

While we were gone, Jim had fun with 12 decks of cards, he had 10 ounces of milk and a piece of cake and had a wonderful afternoon. It also rained while we were in the city. I drove home at 6 o clock and Bob took us home from the garage. Bob works for Allan and is quite accommodating. Jim and I had our usual daily supper and Betty came in soon after we finished. She brought Jim a mil jar of chicken soup with chicken for to – morrow’s lunch. By the way, chickens are scarcer than nylon and the latest price is $1.25 per lb. We’ll have no difficulty with food in Monticello- everything can be had in that place.

I hope my daily prayers will be answered soon- your safe return to my arms- and I’ll pray harder than ever now that the European War is finished. Those same rumors you hear about men over 35 are really getting me dizzy and when I’ll see you then I’ll believe that dreams do come true.

Stay well dearest sweetheart and I still love you with all my heart and soul. Jimmie loves you and misses you too and sends you loads of hugs and kisses. All my love and devotion as always to the greatest guy on earth.

Yours forever, Florence

Ps. Enclosed are 2 late snaps.
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1945

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