Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, Fort Snelling, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 2, 1944


Stoff Family
Pvt. Geo. Stoff 42050100
Co. A 735 RWY. OPN BN
Ft. Snelling

Mrs. Florence Stoff
3021 Avenue I
Brooklyn 10,
New York

Sunday 4-2-44
Florence darling:
To-day I have twenty-four hours to think of, dream about, and adore my pretty little wife and sweetheart. It is not difficult to comprehend now why so many soldiers get married while in service, even though they will realize the anguish such a deed may ultimately cause. Believe me, sweetheart, for a husband, father and lover to be absented from his mate and family, one must be able to substitute hopes and dreams. This I am doing quite freely and often, and I impatiently await any opportunity to once again caress you in my arms, smother you with kisses, and passionately tell you how much I love you. With any kind of a break I think it will be around the end of this month, so be of good cheer, arrange all our affairs, and stand by.

Your letters of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday arrived to-day, and also $1 in one of the envelopes. These makes a total of $3 I have received from you in the past week or so. I think that with weather permitting you should go to Bess, so do that, and on your return you will be able to prepare for visiting me. By that time I will know more about my own set-up, and I’ll be better acquainted with the rooms conditions in the two towns. My mother wrote me directly advising she can’t leave Pop, and although she is grieved to say so, she must of necessity stand by my father. I wrote and told her I understand, and promised to take my furlough as soon as possible, which won’t be due until after the middle of May. Thanks for reminding me about Mr. Marks, although I acknowledged his last letter and gratuity, I will write him shortly, as he may have connections here, too.

If you had no trouble with that glass cake other than discovering it, I think you did as well as can be expected. I hope you disclosed all the facts to me, but even if you didn’t what can I do about it. Mail travels more quickly between this camp and N.Y. than my last station, for which I am thankful. I have a sweater and a scarf, about all I need at present are those socks I asked you to send the other day.

As I wrote you last night I visited St. Paul, spent the evening at a Masonic meeting, and then at the Masonic Service Center, where everyone and his daughter goes all-out to make things pleasant and congenial. This is a most welcome change from the atmosphere found in “romantic New Orleans.” People here are tall, healthy looking, well fed, and have a twinkle in their eyes. I think you are going to tell them. I intend contacting the Jewish Welfare Board soon, and see if I can’t arrange for you and Jim than them. If everyone is so nice, perhaps our own kind will be even more cooperative, upon visiting the U.S.O. after leaving the Masonic Service Center, I met Goldberg and his wife quite accidently. This was my first meeting with her, and now I understand why he has had such a GFU marital existence. She is a replica of Mrs. Laskin in appearance and action, see what I mean? The town (St. Paul) has a number of Chinese restaurants, and I hope to indulge one of these days, sorry, no Cantonese dinners.

I cannot understand why Jim’s drum has not been delivered, but if you do not receive it in the next few days I will write the store at which it was purchased, as I have a receipt. The weather has turned milder, I feel fine and dandy, and even the chow is better here. We now have company mess, at which only the men in my company eat, whereas at Camp Plauche, about 2000 men used to line up at a mess-hall. In each barracks building there is a public telephone, and a Bendix Washing Machine. To-day I washed all my clothes, and they are now drying. No cost, and saves wear and tear of the body. Many of the boys have never seen the washing machine before, and they sure think the North is a great place.

Received two letters from Bob, everything status quo with him, and a letter from the office, no news there. I am going to the camp movies tonight at 6 P.M. but I don’t know what’s playing. Will tell you about it to-morrow. Hope you, Jim, my folks, and your family are all well and in good spirits. Hope you have an Easter outfit, and one for Jim. Please advise when you receive all the checks, and keep all our bills paid. Don’t hesitate to inquire from me anything you want to know.

I love you, darling, and even my thoughts of you have a halo around them. Kiss Jim for his Daddy, and ask him to kiss you for me.
As ever
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1944

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