Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, March 19, 1944


Stoff Family
Pvt. Geo. Stoff 42050100
Camp Plauche
New Orleans 12, Louisiana

Mrs. Florence Stoff
3021 Ave. I
Brooklyn 10,
New York

Sunday 3-19-44

Florence, Sweetheart:
Back again in New Orleans, the fictional city of romance and creole dishes, to say nothing of gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, and Camp Plauche. We returned in the early afternoon, and before I could get to a phone, the delay to New York was 4 to 6 hours, so I was forced to defer this week’s call. Perhaps later in the week will offer an opportunity to phone you, if not I will possibly phone you Sunday A.M.

I have been quite busy and preoccupied with many personal details since our return to camp, and in addition spent several hours working at headquarters, where my work has been piling up, but now has some free time to tell you how much I love you, and longed for you all week. It was such beautiful country, and the weather for the greater part of the week was grand. We had some rain Thursday and this morning before we left, but once again the sun is shining, and now that I have officially completed basic training, I feel in fine spirits. Also, the day draws closer to our leaving New Orleans, and perhaps Dame Fortune will lead us to a camp closer to New York. This will make it more simple for you and Jim and Mom to visit me, and I look forward with great hopes for that day to arrive soon.

This open air life for the past week has me feeling just tip-top. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and as I look back at it, I must admit it represents the high-light of all basic training. But, with all that I am very happy that I have completed basic training; and now I look forward to the next phase, which should prove not only more interesting, but more enjoyable, since I expect to see you and Jim during that period.

Your Weds. & Thursday letters both awaited my return, and I am sorry my mail is delayed en route. However, please keep close check to see that you receive a letter daily from me, although I believe I missed writing you once or twice during the range week, also advise when, as, and if any of my letters are censured. Hope Goldberg did get around to visiting you, as I would love to listen to an eye witness account of how you and Jim appear at present. Since he is due back on Wednesday, I guess he’ll tell me what happened. Sorry to hear Sunny is not so well, and please convey my best wishes to her and Addie, as usual. Incidentally, I am supposed to get a medal for that remarkable shooting I did, as I guess you now can sing “My Hero.” That cup cake incident sounds exciting, and I trust it is no more serious than you outlined to me.

Received those letters from Bob, and I guess he is trying to cheer me up. I hope things work out well for him, and I intend writing him after I complete this. Am writing this sitting on my bunk, and listening to the bitching and griping of the damn fools, so please forgive my not penning my usual style letter. Glad you, Jim, and all the folks are well, and I trust that the passage of a short time will bring us together physically. Kiss Jim for daddy, and I’ll kiss you in mind, with love in my heart.
As ever,
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1944

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