Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, February 29, 1944


Stoff Family
Pvt. Geo Stoff 43050100
Co A 735 Rwy Opn BN.
Camp Plauche, New Orleans, LA.

Mrs. Florence Stoff
3021 Avenue I
Brooklyn, New York

Tuesday 2-24-44
Florence, darling:
It is truly written that “He whom have guards is well guarded” (Voltaire), and since I agree with this bit of wisdom I have little to worry about. Your loving me so tenderly and dearly, and my utter devotion and deep love for you and Jimmy should be sufficient to preserve us for each other for the balance of our natural lives. This being in love has its benefits, you can readily notice, and I hope it continues to pay these fine dividends forever and a day. This is all in addition to that grand feeling one has emotionally. I feel fortunate in being so endowed, not only for your loving me, but for being so faithful and patient. Soon we will together again, and practice the love we express now manually. Be of good cheer, my sweetheart, don’t worry, and remember all this is so temporary, and will soon be a memory as are all bad dreams.

The only letter I received today was your Saturday letter; and I smiled inwardly as I visualized how you must have remonstrated with the policemen. I am a wee bit surprised that they picked on a defenseless woman on such a nasty day, but I guess violations and fine payers are fewer these days. Pay the fine and let it be a thing of the past. I am curious to know what it does cost you.

Jimmy must be quite a rascal these days, and up to all kinds of pranks. However be firm with him without using force if possible. He is quite young, and still very impressionable and if you can teach him now by example or persuasion, you may never have to resort to spanking, as it were. If he teases you, I guess it is a sure indication that I am his father; but don’t lose patience with him, dearest, as I am certain you can handle him with a minimum of threats. In any event I hope he sees the light before I come home with a gun and bayonet, as I will probably teach him guerrilla tactics.

Hope both Jim and you are continuing in your excellent health, and that other than the traffic ticket there is little to disturb the peace and harmony in our little domain. Glad mom and pop are well, and your family too; because distress in either side would surely affect you at this time. Sorry to learn that Pincus is still confined to the hospital, and that the treatments still leave him distressed. It sure is a shame how illness haunts that family, if it isn’t him it’s her, or visa versa. I hope your next letter will report a change for the improvement.

I feel pretty good; weather turned cooler to-day after an all night shower. Last night I attended an outdoor “incendiary” bomb demonstration, and I guess the warring nations are not kidding in their determination to eliminate each other. It lasted about an hour, and was quite exciting, but it only wasted the evening as far as I was concerned, since I had an exam to-day, and could not prepare for it. However I made a 96 so I don’t feel too depressed about it. Final exam on Saturday, and then I’m thru with this school. Future will have to wait until I find another spot and opportunity.

What I wrote you the other day concerning the possibility of my getting a rating must remain a secret until I achieve them; because I don’t want you or I to feel foolish if I never receive any. This cannot be accomplished until I complete basic training, which I expect to do after I fire at the range. So be patient, and all will be well. We may not go to the range this Sunday in which event I will phone you at 8 A.M. If we do not go this week-end we definitely will the following week. I will advise you. Being on the range will, no doubt, slow up the mail to and from, but you understand.

I sent you a package containing pop’s papers, old letters and some Hershey chocolate and razor blades. The candy is for you and Jim, and the blades for pop. If he needs more at prices on box please advise and I will endeavor to send more. Tell him it’s no trouble; also advise when package is received. I sent it insured.

Kiss Jim for his lonesome daddy, and I’ll kiss mommy in mind as always. My best to mine and your folks, and I love you.
As ever,
Keene State College
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Stoff 1944

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