Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, June 12, 1944


Stoff Family
Cpl. G. Stoff 42050100
Co. A. 735th Ry. Opn. Bn.
Fort Snelling, Minn.

Mrs. G. Stoff
3021 Avenue I
Brooklyn 10, N.Y.

Monday 6-12-44

Florence, sweetheart,
It may be that soon, very soon, I’ll be able to stop writing you of my love and adoration, and instead tell it to you in person. This will undoubtedly prove a more satisfactory and satisfying state of matters, and I too will enjoy listening to you. Writing one’s expressions of feelings and emotions however, has the tendency to make one introspective, and lends to the disclosure of what exists in one’s mind and heart. Needless to add that a kiss will prove a more delightful substitute for words. Believe you me, dearest, am I full of the substitute for all those words I have been using to express my love to you.

Your Friday letter arrived to-day, and it contained many pleasant items. I quite well realize how tiring it must be to attend to all of Jimmy’s needs, take care of the home, and then write letters. It is easy to understand why you tire at night, and cannot stay awake during a moving picture. However I am hopeful that I will be able to help you somehow during your holiday here. Also had letters from Bob and Mr. Pincus to-day. No special news from them, but I think Pincus is being worn down as the bad breaks continue to pile up in his immediate family. Sure hope his boy gets a break before he is transferred to an infantry outfit.

You must be plenty busy getting things into order, and obtaining R.R. tickets. Sure hope Addie or the office were able to help you out in this respect. I am going to contact the Jewish Welfare Board to-night about a furnished apt. for us, and I think we’ll have no difficulty on that score. Only hope we are fortunate enough to find one near a park. In any event advise as soon as possible when your train will arrive in St. Paul, and I’ll make arrangements for everything at this end.

The officers are soliciting bond purchases by the men, and I have pledged the purchase of some bonds. If you have not yet bought the June bond, do not do so until you arrive in St. Paul. We will buy it here. If you have already purchased it that’s O.K. too.

Do you suppose Jim was complaining about losing his curls, or resisting in his own way the transition from babyhood into childhood? He must look darling in his boyish hair-cut, and I am so anxious to see him. Suggest you see the doctor before you leave with him. It might be advisable to have Jim checked over, and perhaps the doc has some suggestions for you. Also do you want to speak to Dr. Darchman before you take off? Given you may get ideas about Jim having a brother or sister, or am I letting my youthful enthusiasm run away with my better sense?

No doubt mom and pop will be lonesome for you and Jim, but I’m sure they’ll understand. Please be certain to fix pop up with something nice for Father’s Day gift, honey: please postpone any thoughts of it until your arrival here. There is little I need save you and Jim, and thoughts of you both will sustain me until your arrival.

Be sure to bring enough funds with you ($125 - $150) in addition to return trip ticket. Rent and food are fairly cheep, but I don’t want you to run short. Also be sure to arrange for the forwarding of mail; and not by a member of your family. They are too busy for sure.

I am fine and dandy, and trust this finds you and Jim, mom and pop, and your family the same. News about Joe is surely comforting, and I hope all the danger is past. Kiss Jim for me, and I’ll kiss you both soon. My best to everyone, and all my love and devotion to you.
As ever,
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1944

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