Letter, Florence Stoff to George Stoff, Brooklyn, New York, September 11 and 12, 1945


Mrs. F. Stoff
3021 Avenue I
Brooklyn 10, NY.

Cpl. George Stoff 42050100
APO # 350 c/o Postmaster
New York – N. Y.

Tuesday eve
Sept. 11th
George, dearest,
Baby and I are fine and dandy and miss you as always. We both love you so much and wish you were with us all the time. I know it won’t be long now, darling, so we’ll hold on a little longer. I’m so anxious for the next few letters from you for they’ll disclose so much regarding your release. Hope they’ll arrive to-morrow as the postman brought no mail from you or anyone else today – just a Yank magazine. Last night I wrote a letter to Bob and a card to your folks. Also wrote a letter to-day to Betty Rosen.

Weather varied today from cloudy skies to rain and later blue skies and sunshine. I left Jim with Mom after breakfast and went to town with the car to do the shopping. We had a fish dinner, jello, milk and cake.

Jim rested after his meal and later in the afternoon we walked to the nearest mail box to mail some letters. We remained outdoors and took in the sun and fresh air until 5:30. Bess called during the day to say she’s fine but oh so impatient. A pony is being loaned to the Baxts for the winter and to-morrow Jim will get his first pony ride on a regular saddle. Don’t worry, we’ll be careful. I’ll try to take a few snapshots, weather permitting. Mom is fine and just as anxious to get back to the city as we all are at present. I have lots of shopping to do and expect to get a gown if I see some-thing pretty. Hope we attend that John Hancock affair on Thanksgiving.

Not too much to write tonight so good-night, my love, and my love and devotion to you as always. Hugs and kisses from Jim and his Mommy and best regards from all the family.

Sept. 12th
Dearest Sweetheart,
Hope you’re having a swell visit with Frank if you made that trip to Malines. The days are dragging but all things come to pass eventually. So meanwhile we’ll do our utmost to stay well and be in good humor until we see our dearest Daddy and sweetheart again. Gosh, how I miss you, George.

Soon our Jim will be three years old and what a boy he is. I hope you won’t be too amazed at the little wild Indian. Of course, I do expect to tame him down a bit before Daddy sees him and if not, you’ll have that little problem on your hands. While walking back from town yesterday, he was watching a football game on the block played by youngsters and Jim was fascinated. I expect to get a football for him when I return to Brooklyn and I can see him kicking the ball around @ 2, and with Daddy too.

To-day we had a pleasant day. Weather is glorious and stayed that way throughout the morn, afternoon and evening. After the morning chores, Jim and I sat in the sun and relaxed completely. The postman brought no letter at 12 but I did find your air mail #234 dated Aug. 30th in the letter box later in the day. We had a varied dinner, Jim had liver and vegetables, I had potted veal with veg., and Mom had hamburger and salad. We promised Bess we’d drive to the hotel to see her and started off soon after the dishes were done. Jim had his nap in the car and slept for over an hour. When we arrived at the Congers, Bess told us that the pony was missing and several of the help and Hy were out looking for him. In 20 minutes Hy showed up with the pony and then the fun began. All this while Jim slept. I mounted “Prince” and Hy lead him around the lawn at an easy pace, then a trot and later walked him in and out of the bushes in the front lawn. Poor me had to take it and finally I fell off and quite gently rolled into a bush. We were all hysterical with laughter and whoever watched this ride sure enjoyed it. I had lots of fun but next time will wear slacks and be more comfortable. Jim and Jan finally emerged from the car and were afraid to go near the pony, who’s small and gentle. They like the kitten better but Duke scares Romeo every 10 minutes. We sat, chatted and the kids played until supper time. Then Bess suggested that we all eat with her in the kitchen and we consented. Her in-laws are in Lakewood looking for a hotel for the winter and Hy has the job of closing up the hotel and camp – With helpers, of course. We took a few snapshots and I hope they’re funny and come out good.

We left at 6:30 and when we arrived home Jim had his milk and fell asleep after his busy afternoon. Mom is now playing rummy with Yetta, our neighbor and I’m thinking only of my beloved you. It’s cool tonight and I’ll get into pajamas later.

Your letter is very cheerful and newsy and I’ll preserve those stamps of Hitler you enclosed. Hope the mail situation is better on your side by now. Those snapshots are swell and you look grand and healthy with the Eisenhower jacket on – taken Aug. 1st. About your wrist watch, that’s quite a sum offered but if you’re sentimental don’t part with it. Instead, I can send your other watch which I have with me and mail it insured, air mail. Let me know by V. mail and air mail if you want it sent. It looks like a quick way of making easy money. Those Roosevelt stamps I’ll send to-morrow, under separate envelope.

That Odyssey of Co A sounds interesting and Jim and I will be so anxious to see it and frame it for our wall. Do you see Van often? Soon you’ll all be eligible for discharge and the 735th may be on the way home by the time you get this letter.

We’ll have our T-Day in short time and what a wonderful day that will be in our lives. And I expect to drive you home from the station in our chariot.

There’s no need to tell you how much I love you and need you. You know. Just wait for these long days and nights to go by and then our day when happiness will reign supreme in our little kingdom.

Good-night, darling, and here’s hoping our dreams come true very soon. All my love and devotion as always, hugs and kisses from the crown prince and best regards from Bess, Mom, Jan & Hy – and the menagerie.
Yours always,
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1945

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