Notgeld Brakel 50 Pfennig Gutschein
Notgeld Brakel 50 Pfennig Gutschein
Dimensions: 8.2cm x 5.1cm
Verso Side Description:
This note features a colorful illustration, in two parts. The left part of the illustration shows a man in a cage being lowered into water. A crowd gathers behind the large wooden lever being used. Above this illustration with a decorative scroll border is written: “Solche wippe, stark von eilen. Taucht man kurger hand ins wasser. Ruch für heute wär sie praktisch. Für die schieber, wucherer, prasser!”. Seperating the two illustrations, and bordering them, are garlands of holly. Above the middle separation is written: “50 Pfg” written with black font on a yellow background. The right-side illustration features a policeman rolling up his sleeves, as he holds a lash. A man is tied down to a table beside him. They are inside a cell with barred windows and cobblestone floor. Above this illustration in a decorative scroll border is written: “Was der einfalt nur erscheinet Ris ein instrument zum sitzen Dieses wußten kluge richter Pädagogisch auszunützen”. At the bottom center of the illustration in white font on a black background is written: “Wie man in Brakel Früher die Diebe Bestrafte!”.
Text EN:
Such seesaw, strong from rushing
Dipped your short hand in water
Poor Reputation for today it came in handy.
For the smuggling, usurious, spendthrift!
50 Pennies
While it appears a simple
Rising instrument for sitting
These clever judges knew
Its educational usefulness
How they used to punish thieves in Brakel!
Recto Side Description:
A black and white illustration with white text. At the top in large gothic script is written: “Brakel Notgeld” with “Kreis Höxter” written in small font underneath it. The illustration is of a large building with a tower and windows. It has a large rounded door. On the bottom of the illustration is written: “Schloß Binnenburg”. On the right of the illustration is written in small black font: “Valid through 1st March 1922 Brakel (Höxter District), The 1st June 1921 The Magistrate. Below this is a seal and a signature that appears to read: ““Miller K??ing”.
Text EN:
Brakel Emergency money
Höxter District
Valid through 1st March 1922
Brakel (Höxter District),
The 1st June 1921
The Magistrate (Signature “Miller K??ing)
Binnenburg Keep
Diers, Nathaniel
Solche wippe, stark von eilen
Taucht man kurger hand ins wasser
Ruch für heute wär sie praktisch
Für die schieber, wucherer, Prasser!
50 Pfg
Was der einfalt nur erscheinet
Ris ein instrument zum sitzen
Dieses wußten kluge richter
Pädagogisch auszunützen.
Wie man in Brakel
Früher die Diebe
Bestrafte! Brakel Notgeld
Kreis Höxter
Gültig bis zum 1. Marz 1922
Brakel (Kreis Höxter),
Den 1. Juni 1921
Der Magistrat (Signature “Miller K??ing)
Schloß Binnenburg
Original Format
Keene State College
Alternative Title
Notgeld Brakel 50 Pfennig Gutschein R.jpg, Notgeld Brakel 50 Pfennig Gutschein V.jpg
Position: 4305 (53 views)