A Tale Of Two Habitats: Analysis Of Small Mammal Activity And Diversity On Ksc Property
- Description
- Few studies have evaluated the ecological significance of Keene State's riparian woodlands. The goal of this study is to compare small mammal activity and diversity in two distinct campus habitats: the wooded banks of the Ashuelot River and an early successional field dominated by forbs and small shrubs. We assembled track tubes, in which animals attracted by a bait leave ink prints on contact paper. We placed the track tubes at sampling stations along a line-transect in both habitats, checked tubes daily, and followed a sampling cycle that alternated use of stations to minimize oversampling of individual animals. We used ImageJ software to objectively quantify track marks. Observations over a 2 month period revealed far greater mammal activity in the riparian habitat. Finally, we plan to compare the species which left prints at field and riparian stations
- Kenneth Bergman
- Contributor
- Keene State College
- Creator
- Samantha Dormio
- Date
- 2015-04-11
- Identifier
- http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12088/7585
- Language
- en_US
- Subject
- Biology
- Type
- Presentation
- Rights
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Item sets
- AEC 2015 Sciences
- Site pages
- Sciences
Position: 7069 (41 views)