A "Rungi Chungi" Panel
- Title
- en_US A "Rungi Chungi" Panel
- Description
- en_US Presented at David F. Putnam Science Center - 154
- en_US As students from the Honors Program Global Engagement: Nepal course, we studied Nepal and traveled there for two weeks. Rungi chungi, meaning many colors in Nepali, describes our diversity as students and our interests, along with the variety of ways this course and trip have benefited us. We all participated in separate research studies that included topics such as dance, mental health, architecture, environmental issues, women's rights, family life, and the concept of beauty. The information collected on the topics is from extensive research during the semester and interviews conducted in Nepal. In addition to the valuable material we learned, the course and trip have also led to an increase of intercultural knowledge and important life-changing values. Through our presentation we will provide a brief overview of the culture, describe the details and findings of our individual projects, and explain what this experience has meant to each of us.
- en_US Tom Bassarear
- Renate Gebaur
- Contributor
- Keene State College
- Creator
- Danielle Fallette
- Matthew McDougal
- Emily Brochu
- Shannon Melendy
- Kaleb Lique Naitove
- Laken Thomas
- Joseph Martino
- Date
- 2015-04-11
- Identifier
- http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12088/7532
- Language
- en_US en_US
- Type
- en_US Presentation
- Rights
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Item sets
- AEC 2015 Honors
- Site pages
- Honors
Position: 3216 (60 views)