Charles W. Wilcox - September 1862 [Transcribed]


Keene State College
Historical Society of Cheshire County
Military History
United States History
[No 6]
P.M. Dear Mother
I have just taken dinner and one of a thousand too consisting of boiled potatoes pork do. tea with sugar & milk and cheese with hard tack The Capt Leuit and myself have a cook an exelent cook and I believe I never had a meal relish better And never knew that potatoes were good before This is the best part of Md I have since but nuthing to Brag of we are but a short distance from H. Ferry. I think we may stay here 2 or 3 weeks we have the pleasantest camp that we have had being on the west side of the valley and a little way up so that we can see a long way up and down the valley we are not doing any duty today on act of yesterdays march

In my last I wrote concerning the B balance of my bounty money $100, voted by the Town of K I sent the order to my friend C W Willard (who is connected to Cheshire Co Bank) to see to it and send a check to you Father which you can draw and use as you see fit by sending me note (with out interest) or receipt for the same as soon as you receive it There is also $15 per month coming from concord out of my wages by way of the alotment Roll I hear from my dear friends in K quite often who I should be very glad to see and the kind words from there and Home serve to keep me in good cheere Marys Brother is 1st Leiut in the 6th N.H.V which is in our Briggade Mr Hamilton my S.S. Teacher is the chaplain of the same and see them nearly every day I think I had better S send my tools [illegible] Home from K I left them in care of Saul Nims his enploier was Maj of the 6 N.H.V But has resigned The author of of that letter you were enquiring about was Miss Sarah E Holbrook who took Mr Hamiltons place in the young mans S.S. class She handed me that on the morning of that I left Keene Enclosed I send Spragues picture which I meant to of sent before he was promoted Oct 3rd to Quartermaster Seargeant in place of Perry who was reduced to the ranks S. has been to work as clerk under Perry

In regard to my wants I could enumerate many that I would like at the same time I don’t anything more than what I have got and if I did I could not get it as there is a law against sending anything to soliders If you could send a colored silk pocket kerchief by folding in a paper it would be very acceptable (colored silk) I have worn out a pair of boots that I paid $5.50 (heavy army) I shal have to close now and get the men out for drill write soon and all as soon as we get settled down I shal try and write some every day Tomorrow our Co goes on guard I hope it will not be as hot as it has been today Much love to All my Lady friends and a bountyful share for yourself
your efectionate son Chas Wilcox
Historical Society of Cheshire County

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