Letter, Florence Stoff to George Stoff, Brooklyn, New York, June 2 and 3, 1945


Stoff Family
Saturday night,
June 2nd 1945

George, darling,
The three most important words in the dictionary “I”-”love”-”you” are such simple little words with such a wealth of meaning behind them. How I do love you, dearest and I am so happy you love me too. All these months without you at my side have been a little rough but the courage and patience our love has given me just proves that love conquers all. It’s still our year so let’s have more courage until that wonderful day of George’s homecoming.

Our crown prince and all his relatives are fine and dandy. To-morrow I expect both sides of the family here and maybe we’ll finally take those movie shots. Due to nasty weather most of the week and cloudiness and rain to-day, I haven’t taken one foot of film yet. If only I could borrow Dan’s camera for a few weeks, I may be able to get good shots of Jim in the country. I’ll ask him when he calls but I think I know his answer already.

This morning I received some cartoons which you sent in an envelope on April 22nd and I’ll preserve them as requested. After the morning chores, Jim and I proceeded on our way to the bank to cash checks and buy bonds. I paid your two premiums and have no bills except our dues of $5.00 to the Home for Chronic Diseases. I bought a bond for Jim and one for us and alas counted off $8.00 worth of pennies. As soon as I get to the country and get myself organized I’ll send you our latest financial statement.

Baby and I spent the remainder of the day in the apartment and Jim had a long nap after his lunch. I spoke to your folks during the day and Pop told me they weren’t going to that cousins wedding but intended to go to the Bronx to-night. They’ll visit at Harry’s place and I’ll see them to-morrow. Jimmie kept himself amused with his toys, his rocking horse “Blue Boy” and those reliable pots and pans of ours. There’s always something for me to do and I did several odd and end jobs. Otto took the drugget rug down to the storeroom and our apartment is very summery and easy to clean now.

There’s been no further news on men over 35 in the past two days and there is plenty of bitter fighting in Okinawa at present. Truman wants 3 million men in the Pacific area and I do hope he excludes you. We’ll have to sit tight meanwhile and just keep our fingers crossed.

Jimmie and I miss you so much and wish we could fly to our dearest Daddy and sweetheart. It Can be done, you know. Stay well, my love and we’ll keep on worshipping and loving you always.
Love, Florence

June 3rd 1945

Dearest beloved,
It’s January in June and I do mean it. By the time this reaches you I guess we’ll be sweating but in the meantime the weather is raw and cold. Hope you’re having better weather.

Jim and I are fine and dandy, the folks are well and remained in the Bronx last night, due to the rain. We spent the whole day indoors, Jim played and I kept busy with my ironing, knitting and reading. To-day I roasted a duck and Eleanor, my mother and I enjoyed it. Thelma and Maurice came in the evening and both look very well. Thelma loves her new job and feels good having her own desk, phone and department to take care of.

After dinner to-night I expect to go to the movies and see “A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.” So, until to-morrow, my darling, all my love and devotion to you as always. Best regards from all the family and love and kisses from Jim.
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1945

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