Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, May 17, 1944, Letter 2


Stoff Family
Cpl. Geo. Stoff 42050100
Co A 715 Rwy. OPN. Bn
Fort Snelling, Minn.

Mrs. G. Stoff
3021 Avenue I
Brooklyn 10, N.Y.

Wednesday 5-17-44

Florence Sweetheart:
As each day rolls by and we continue to water our love by our daily letters I feel happy in the thought that we are sweethearts. Life, Love and Nature needs and requires daily attention and care, and the manner in which you and I attend to this all-important chore does much to keep our spirits high and hope for the future bright. In sunny Jim we have a wonderful manifestation of our mutual feeling, and I am so proud of him and you. Looking at his and your picture daily is just like taking a shot in the arm, and how I miss you both.

Your Sunday letter arrived to-day, and as usual you sound optimistic and full of good cheer. I am glad the weather is nice, and that Sunday’s weather exemplified Mother’s Day with all its sunshine. I’m glad you brought my mother lilacs and candy, and I hope she and you were not too distressed by the absence of all the boys. Hope the snapshots you took of the folks came out good, and I look forward to seeing them soon.

Billy sure was a great guy for traveling so far to pay you a visit on Mother’s Day. Jim must have had a swell time with him, and also that new toy. The films well come in handy, and I hope he accepts payment for them. I like the name you selected for the soldier, but can Jim say G.I. Joe yet? Did Bill finish the balance of the moving picture films and take the camera home with him? It would make it easy for you if he did. I’ll invite Billy in a day or so thanking him for all his thoughtfulness. I have written him since I returned to camp, inquiring as to his sister’s welfare. How is she?

I am surprised to learn that Joel is still confined to the hospital, and I trust there have been no adverse developments. Has Thelma been able to learn anything more enlightening from the doctor? Did Bess return to the country, and did you finally select one of those photographs taken at Bloomingdale?

Spent part of the day sewing stripes on my shirt and fatigues, but since I am still in mid-air about that transfer I will refrain from sewing them on all my shirts. However it’s a good feeling to be something other than a private, and at least those at home need not be ashamed of me any longer. I am now a success in the army, see what I mean? I don’t know what to recommend as to your coming out here while this is pending, but if you desire to and feel as though you want to chance it so ahead and make R.R. reservations. This may be disapproved, or it may take from 2 to 6 weeks before anything happens, so I cannot be more definite about it. I’ll discuss it with you when I phone you this week-end.

I’m not working hard at all, and I’m helping the I/SGT in my spare time. He’s new with us, and seems to be a swell person. I think he’ll cooperate with me. The mail job continues interesting; I practice typing for several hours daily, study army regulations and work (?) a little in supply room. Any man in the outfit would swap jobs with me, but since I can read and write I’ll probably keep it, but I hope the transfer come thru. Please tell Dan the request has not yet cleared Battalion headquarters as the major is in the hospital for a few days.

Stay well, darling, care for Jim and yourself and don’t worry. Under separate cover I sent you a sharpshooter’s medal and 4 snapshots you sent me. Please acknowledge when received. My best to everyone as usual. Kiss each other for the proudest daddy and sweetheart in the world. I’ll be thinking and dreaming of you.
As ever,
Keene State College
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Stoff 1944

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