Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, Hamm, Germany, June 2, 1945


Stoff Family
CPL GEO STOFF 42050100
CoA 735 R4 OPN BN


2 June 1945
Florence, sweetheart:
Another Saturday night and still apart, but we can see the silver clouds in the distance. It is inevitable that this is our year, and no matter how much the politicians and War Dept beat their gums I feel certain the older men will get out of the army soon. This constant reference to myself as an “older man” is merely a figment of the imagination. It’s true I’ll be 38 in November but I feel more like 28, and had I a few more hairs on my head I could probably pass for the latter age. In any event regardless of my numerical age I suggest your new mattresses be of excellent quality. They will probably experience good usage during our second honeymoon, following the reunion in Brooklyn. No doubt you have noticed my letters written since the censorship restrictions were removed have been less strained. It’s more pleasant expressing myself without the snooping eyes of a lieutenant scanning the written expressions of love between us. This is our little world, and we want no trespassers.

To-day’s mail call brought no letters for me but there were only a few letters for the whole battalion, so I expect to-morrow will bring [?] camp mail. However, reading and re-reading yesterday’s two letters will keep me more than happy until your next mail arrives. Last night I wrote you a two pager with the promise that I’d elaborate more so in to-day’s letter. Before I forget those letters you are writing about releasing men of advanced age are going to the right sources. Politicians, radio commentators, newspapers, and the like will play this up, and I expect that the War Dept will be subjected to much pressure on this score. I realize it’s a job for you, but keep it up. Short letters to the point, about long time family obligations, children without fathers, health results, mental attitude, financial difficulties, and such points should be included in your letters. Write for others in the family, and if Eleanor or someone can help keep the volume of letters high. In this game of hide and seek between Congress and the War Dept, public opinion in the core of men between 35 and 40 will be a deciding factor.

In yesterday’s letter I sent a money order for $25.00 which you will please acknowledge as usual. Enclosed in that package containing the mirror was a clip, I wonder if that also reached you in good shape. Thanks for continuing the Times for another 3 months, but do not renew unless I request it. Please advise when this 2nd subscription expires. The Digests reach me OK, but I never did get those decorating magazines for Frank. Do not forward any others. For the past week or ten days I have been writing an air mail letter daily, and enclosing snapshots. I do hope they are all coming thru in good shape. On May 30th I sent you a photograph of myself, which I think will please you. But, I suppose you have that by this time.

Reading about Jimmy in your letters always quickens my pulse a little. Even though we were together for almost 3 months last summer, yet somehow all my recollections of him are of his first year. oh yes I can easily remember his call for duty each night when I came from the fort and he was supposed to be asleep. I recall the wonderful days and evenings we spent playing in the parks of St. Paul, but somehow those first 12 months of his existence are more vivid. The first night when he soiled a diaper and we couldn’t tidy him up correctly, or the way he used to sleep with his rear stuck up in the air, or his nightly baths, and his creeping on the rug. All those stand out in my mind, and now as I gaze upon his latest snaps I marvel at the big son we have. We certainly must endeavor to have a brother or a sister for him, and with this our year, I feel as though perhaps our hope may turn into a reality. For one who has had much to worry about in the past few years, you have done a wonderful job with our boy, and I guess you know how Jim and I feel about you- We just love you more and more each day.

On June 26th my folks will have a wedding anniversary, and I wish you would send them something appropriate for the occasion. I would like for you to send a bunch of red roses and some gift, signing yours, Jimmy’s and my name to the cards. Also will thank you to give Pop the cigarette lighter for a Father’s Day and birthday gift combined. His birthday is this month, too. I know you have these little things in mind, but I like to worry about them, too.

Thanks so much for attempting to obtain those first-day covers for me. Some day all this collector’s items will be valuable and will either keep us from the poor house, or give Jim the nucleus of a small collection. I have been sending home in packages many foreign coins, which no doubt you are holding for me. Among other things I have prepared to-night are many more coins which I will include in the two bundles I am arranging to send to-morrow. Will describe their contents in my next letter.

My detailed description of my European jaunt must have cleared up many questions in your mind. You can realize there was no point in telling you that we were living in “buzz-bomb alley” during our stay in Mechelen. As a matter of fact the best part of my service over here will be related in person. However whatever the trials and tribulations in the recent past you can readily see from some of my snaps that I look hole and hearty, and that my sense of humor spiced with our environment plus the ever-present aura of love you cast about me has brought me thru in excellent shape. Now I’m ready to go back to my love, my home, and my country.

I’m pleased that the folks are well, and that Bob’s departure is being taken so well. You and Jim have done ever so much to sustain their spirits, and I have another thing to be thankful to you for. Keep up the good work, dearest, and do try to persuade them to visit you in the country. Also glad that Eleanor and your kinfolk are well, El is probably treating Jim as well as she treated Joel, which convinces me that the rascal has a good aunt. I intend including some cigarettes in my packages which you will please give El from me.

Well, darling, it’s getting late. I went to the movies earlier in the evening, but the picture was from hunger. We are going to devour a can of anchovies after I finish writing, so you can readily guess what my mouth will be like in the morning. I feel fine, hopeful of the future, and love you beyond any ability on my part to express.

Kiss Jim for me, and I’ll kiss you in mind. My best to everyone
As ever,
Keene State College
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Stoff 1945

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