Letter, Florence Stoff to George Stoff, November 29, 1944, Letter 2


Stoff Family
Mrs. Florence Stoff
3021 Avenue I
Brooklyn 10, N.Y.

Cpl. George Stoff (4250100)
Co A -735 RWY OPN BN
APO # 562 c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.

Wednesday eve-
Nov 29th 1944

Dearest beloved,
This month is almost gone and before we know it the holiday season will be approaching. Honestly, George, it’ll be a spirit-less Xmas for me this year but as always I’ll take car of the necessary gifts. Up here, the country does things to me and just looking out of the window at the quietness and soft blanket of white gives me enough pleasure to last for days. At times I wish I had been born on a farm or in some small out of the way place, far from the madding crowd. But, Jim and I will be going home in a few days and don’t take me too seriously about the city. Our home is still our palace and the conveniences of city life can never be equaled. Just thinking of the washing machine alone is enough reason to draw me back to the easy way of life.

Jimmie and I miss you every moment and still love you with both our hearts. Hy is unusually nice to us and helps with more than his share of the work. In fact, if he offered to help Bess so much, I’d regard him in a more friendly light. Not that it will ever be especially since we all know that he only expects to work for only 2 months out of the 12. You’d imagine that he’d get tired of sitting on his behind for 10 months but he doesn’t. It would be a pity to write about Hy so I’ll stop now. Bess is coming back here on Friday and Hy is driving into the city to get her. We hope Maurice will be in soon so that Thelma may get some consolation? from him. Joel is still a very sick child and may have to be hospitalized sooner than we expected. I’ll do my best to cheer Thelma when I get home. In fact, I’m endeavoring to build a wall of steel inside of me so that someone strong can give moral and spiritual support to my sisters Eleanor and Thelma and also my mother. This is a very rough deal, darling, and may we never have to face such an ordeal ever. War is very horrible and the separation full of little heartaches but it will end soon and then we’ll have each other again forever and a day.

Forgive the serious vein, dearest, and don’t worry about Jimmie and me. We’re really fine and hope you’re well too. The little rascal still remembers to say “Good morning, Daddy” and is talking rather well these past 2 weeks. He resents any attention I give Jan and when I suggest a game or read the nursery rhymes he makes a flying leap toward me and almost always pushes Jan down or out of the way. I guess it’s love (it can’t be jealousy) and he shall have my excessive attention when we’re in C2 again. Jimmie is a honey, Daddy, and he’s got many wonderful characteristics that we’re mighty proud of in a 2 year old. I have 2 fine photos of us that I’ll send to you sometime next week so be patient a little longer. How about snaps of you?

To-day was another banner day. Received three letters from you, 2 V-mail dated Nov. 11th and Nov. 12th and a long, newsy letter dated Nov. 14th. I think the town of Cherbourg was crossed out on one V-mail letter and if you did visit it, I hope you saw some pleasant scenes away from the ruins. Try not to think too much of the horrors of war because it’s part of your job to forget and dream only of our happy future together with Jim.

Sorry you haven’t received those arches yet but there’s no reason why you can’t get a pair in the army. If you can’t walk comfortably, just gripe and gripe some more – if it’ll do any good. Those parcels I shipped were wrapped fairly well and if you receive half the delicacies, I’ll be happy. If it isn’t too much trouble and expense, please get more perfume or did I make mention of it in a previous letter (also antiques). But don’t get rooked. Enclosed is $ 2.00 and I hope you get it. I wrote a card to Harry Fax’s wife and will see her when I return to the city. Regards to Harry, Van and Fendy.

It snowed today and we spent the day indoors. Hy went to the movies this evening and I find the most pleasure in writing you. The radio programs are good tonight and the hours are going fast. Bess called from the city at 7:30 P.M. and everything is the same – family is well except for Joel. Time will take care of everything. We know.

Bonsoir and stay healthy until you return to my arms again. All my love and devotion as always and many hugs and kisses from Jimmie. Best regards from Hy
Yours always,
Keene State College
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Stoff 1944

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