Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, Hamm, Germany, June 7, 1945


Stoff Family
CPL GEO. STOFF 42050100
Co A 735 RY OPN BN

C/O Baxt
41 Langfield Ave

7 June 1945

Florence, dearest:
Directly after chow this evening the sky suddenly turned dark, it thundered as though the disillusioned German War Gods had seen their Gotterdammerung. In short order the rains came, bringing sheets of hail along, and the deluge lasted for over an hour. It was terrific, several trees were knocked down, but at last the skies cleared, the rain stopped, and darling at this very moment the tranquility of the heavens is not unlike the years we will spend together when my job is done. Once again the sun is shining, the air smells fresh and cleansed, and the outlook for to-morrow is for a lovely day. Is not life itself akin to this natural phenomenon? Are you and I not surviving a terrific storm, but already I can see the clouds breaking, and in the not too distant future the rains will cease, the sun will re-appear, and the Stoffs will be on their merry way. Yes, my sweetheart, our merry way. There are things in life you and I will never worry about again. Life is too short to waste it on trivialities.

A May 28th long letter from Bob was all I received to-day, but perhaps to-morrow will bring an abundance of mail from you. I am anxious to learn whether or not you are established in the country, and if everything is under control in our little household.

Have been reading about the recent cold snap the States have experienced, and I sure hope it didn’t affect any one at home. The weather is pretty nice over here primarily I guess because the humidity is not high. If it doesn’t get any worse this summer I’ll not complain. No doubt we’ll have to leave Hamm one of these days, since this territory ultimately will be under English rule. But I guess we’ll do okay no matter where we go. Will keep you posted on current events with blow-by-blow descriptions of all my doings and travels.

For the past two weeks or so I have been sending you on the average of 6 snaps in my daily letter. Hope they arrive in good shape and that you enjoyed looking at them as I did sending them to you. I sent a few duplicates to the folks and Bob, so I hope you show them all the others as the opportunity presents itself. Also sent you pamphlets, pictures, and booklets of events in the ETO which I hope you will retain. Back in Belgium I sent you a Pesach Hagudoh containing a Yellow Star – did this bundle ever arrive? There is an address in the back of this book of a place who will send you a picture of the Passover scene at which I attended in Brussels at the Au Bon Marche restaurant.

Bob seems to be in the process of sweating out his next assignment but all these things are more mental than physical. The imagination runs riot and conjures up events that never take place. Fortunately all has been well for him and me, and we can only continue to hope that Lady Luck stays with us. Don’t you worry or fret about me, but continue to devote your spare time to that ever important letter writing. It will help to accomplish its purpose and then – hallelujah.

I feel fine and dandy, and truthfully honey, other than being homesick and fed up with all of this chicken, I’m in good spirits. I realize everything takes time so why knock my brains out. We know this is our year, which makes all else so insignificant.

Hope you, Jim and all our kinfolk are in excellent health and spirits. Be careful driving the car, and have fun. Kiss the rascal for me, and I’ll kiss you both in my mind. Give my very best to everyone and remember I love and adore you
As ever, George
Keene State College
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Stoff 1945

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