Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, Hamm, Germany, June 13, 1945


Stoff Family
13 June 1945

Florence, sweetheart:
As I wander about this town night after night, usually with Ray Weinberg, I realize more and more how important companionship of my wife and sweetheart is to me. Somehow I cannot find a fellow with enough depth of mind to satisfy me. I know only too well how you fit the role of sweetheart, pal, buddy, confidant, and wife. Even though we are both in the same mess, somehow he lacks salt and pepper, and has too much sugar. Strictly a Brooklyn boy from Minneapolis. How I look forward to evening walks, arm in arm, with you. To tell you what’s in my mind and heart. To be able to discuss problems and events in an intimate manner. I know it will ever be that way, and nothing or nobody will ever be able to substitute for you.

A little mail came thru today but much to my disgust I did not so much as receive a newspaper. It has been 4 days since last received a letter from you, and even though I realize there is no cause to worry, yet it is difficult to write about the monotony of daily events here, a letter from you inspires thoughts, observations and a reply. Of course to morrow may bring a plethora of letters so I’ll be patient until then, with hope that I am not disappointed again.

Nothing new to reveal today. I am all caught up on my work, and spent most of this afternoon writing Mr. Brown, Mrs. Reese and the girl at the office (a Miss Delaney). Sent Mr. Brown my snapshot taken at the demolished bridge near the Rhine River. Have you even checked my letters to ascertain whether or not you received every number since the 1st of January 45? I’d like to know.

Some of the other boys tell me that they hear from home that folks in the states are applying plenty of pressure to release more older men and to lower the maximum age. Of course, the swindle sheet we set "Stars and Stripes" does not write about many of the things which are happening. You must try to continue your letter writing for every member in the family who will acquiesce, and keep the Congressmen, Senator May, and the radio commentators on the ball. It'll come, dearest, and you'll be glad you helped to hasten it.

Did the Chinchilla Royal I sent you about 4 weeks ago via first class mail arrive yet? Also did you get a package containing a roll of film arrive, and did you develop film? How did the shots turn out?

The weather has turned much cooler in the past 36 hours, and we have had severe thunder storms, but tonight’s clear, and there was a lovely sunset. Have taken no pictures for the past week or so as I look the same, and there has been no change in scenery. Hope you get some good shots of Jim and yourself, as well as the others in the country. To insure the preservation of the enclosed pictures I am returning them to you. Will send others in days to come, and retain only the late ones or those I want for one reason or another. One of these I’ll be setting out for the states, and I’ll want to travel as light as possible. As the days and weeks go by I’ll also be sending other personal items, so just hold onto them pending my return.

I feel fine and dandy, and hope you, Jim and everyone is the same these days. We had fresh tomatoes for lunch to-day, with mayonnaise, and I guess I made a pig of myself. They sure were tasty, and there were a few leftover for supper.

Stay well, darling. Kiss Jim for me, have fun and be patient. All is well with me, and I can take as much of this as I have to in order to get a discharge. This is our year, so keep smiling, and remember I love you.
As ever,
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1945

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