Letter, Florence Stoff to George Stoff, Brooklyn, New York, June 1, 1944


Stoff Family
Mrs. F Stoff
3021 Avenue I
Bklyn, NY.

Cpl George Stoff (42050100)
Ft. Snelling, Minn.

Thursday eve-
June 1st 1944
My darling George,
Baby and I are fine and dandy, still miss our best Daddy and sweetheart, and hope something good breaks for us in the near future. At least you’ve made a little headway with that request and that may have started the ball rolling, so I’ll be patient until I hear further developments and hope all turns out as you wish. Mom and Pop are fine, received no checks to-day and are anxiously waiting that request news from you. Bob wrote that he has about 2 more weeks of training and then he flies.

Last night, after baby fell asleep Thelma came here and stayed overnight. Joel is comfortable and the nurses are actually fighting over him because he’s a good patient and no bother. He may be operated on in a few days but we don’t know the exact date as yet. Thelma had a birthday to-day and I brought 3 pr. of hose for her. She was delighted and quite grateful. It seems although we’re in for that regular hot spell we have every June and the temperature yesterday was 86 and today 88 with much humidity. We all slept well last night although I do manage to pop up every once in awhile to look at Jimmie.

In the morning, I awoke first and kept thinking of you and how much I love you. This war business seems so endless and you so far away makes things appear unusual at times. My spirit gets much higher as the day progresses and when I get your letters, my dearest, all is fine and normal again. This morning I received your letters of Monday, the allotment check, which I cashed later in the morning and 2 rolls of films from Harry Abrams. Your Tuesday letter came in the afternoon mail and you can imagine how I laughed about that mosquito on my poor darling’s cheek. You are a very courageous soldier and deserve an extra special medal for that. Hope you saw that ball game and enjoyed it and I hope again you have a very pleasant evening to-night seeing and hearing “The Student Prince.” I may go to see a movie to-night, if I get finished early with my work. Betty offered again to care for baby. I’m quite fortunate in having neighbors so considerate. I paid the rent to-day, your premium, phone & gas bills.

Hurray! Jimmie stood up twice to-day – once in a glass jar (at Thelma’s suggestion) and this evening made [sis?] in the bathroom sink. I’ll keep after him from now on and what an easy job baby will be from now on. The little rascal pulled out the maple molding along the side of the wall just for fun and I believe he’s a second Samson. This afternoon we were outdoors near the house because it looked cloudy and Jimmie and I wore a mother and son outfit. His shorts matched my dress.

Good-night, sweetheart. I still love you with all my heart and being. Jimmie sends a special hug and kiss for Daddy.
Keene State College
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Stoff 1944

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