Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, Hamm, Germany, June 10, 1945


Stoff family
CPL Geo. Stoff 42050100
CoA 735 Ry OPN BN
APO 350 % Postmaster
New York

Mrs. Florence Stoff
℅ Baxt
41 Longfield Ave
Monticello, NY

- 156 -
10 June 1945

Florence, sweetheart:

Another Sunday with nothing to do, but on second thought, the less I have to do, the more time I can devote to thinking and dreaming about you. I plan those wonderful days of a happy lover and husband safe and sound in the arms of his sweetheart. I look forward to our own home with all its comfort, cleanliness, and home cooking. I can see those charming, enticing, smiles of yours, as you dress for an occasion. The happy gleam in your eyes as they sparkle in anticipation of a few hours in the romantic atmosphere of music, dance, and festivity. I can smell the faint odor of your skin as it responds to the inspiration of an exquisite perfume. I can thrill to the sensuous kiss we share on every provocation. All these things my senses perceive as I dream about you. Is it any wonder that I am impatient to get home? Yet, in the knowledge that we share all these emotions I find the patience and fortitude to carry on. It has been a long grind, my dearest, but the end’s in sight. Pull up another notch in your belt, hitch up your slacks, spit on your hands, and head on.

Mail was weak to-day, bringing only a Lodge notice. However reading your letter of yesterday again gives me much to write about. Since I spent the day at the office on duty, I devoted it to writing letters. I wrote the first paragraph of this letter in the late afternoon, and it is now 9 P.M as I attempt to conclude it.

Just finished making a package up for you consisting of 2 helmets, a Nazi flag, bayonet, and several small items including 2 Yank magazines. I am having a wooden box made for shipment for a Nazi officer poniard which was a bit too long for to-day’s package. I intend mailing one package to-morrow, and the other the following day. Since you will be away I will send the packages to pop’s place, and you can pick them up when you visit there in the car.

Your notation of how you wrapped $8.00 in pennies suddenly reminded me of that old practice of ours, and I’m glad you have continued to do the same. It is always good to read a financial statement, and I look forward to its publication. Of course I have no doubt it is only for me to see. The stock market is doing big things these days, and I guess we are missing many opportunities. There will be others when I get back in stride again, so lets not concern ourselves too much with what might have been.

In a number of Pincus’s letters he has made small of Max Eidler. Pincus would not do this unless he had justification for it. So I suppose Eidler’s Galician blood came to the surface somewhere along the way. You and I cannot find fault with their treatment of us. Of course Eidler likes his own way, but as long as he does us some good I’ll not complain.

In several recent letters you have mentioned Thelma’s good job, without once disclosing the identity of her boss or the type of work she is doing. I know it must please you to know that she’s getting a break, and there’s no doubt but that it will keep her mind off Joel. Maurice’s nightly homecoming is strongly reminiscent of the days you spent in St. Paul. Oh boy, for a couple of bags of pop-corn and that ice-cold root beer to wash it down. Truthfully though darling, the one item of food I really and truly miss is ice cold milk. If I should drown myself in milk when I get back you’ll know it’s because I’ve been so long without it.

I can just picture Jim wearing a Nazi helmet, pointing a bayonet, waving a German flag, and yelling “charge” as he rocks furiously on “Blue Boy”. If he ever gets a hold of the two automatic pistols I have I suppose there’ll be no holding him. However do not let him play with any instruments of war, even toy imitations. I hope his rash is gone, but I suppose you are watching that closely. No doubt you are visiting the doctor for check-ups when due, and also watch his teeth. Does he eat much fruit, candy, cookies and sweets? And please don’t tell me he still uses a bottle.

Ray is opening some cans of anchovies and tuna, and we are going to have a snack before going to sleep. The enclosed snap of me should convince you that on occasion I looked like a soldier. Save the enclosed article.

Kiss Jim for me. Keep smiling, and give my best to everyone. I continue to love and adore you as usual, and will kiss you in mind -

As ever
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1945

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