Letter, George Stoff to Florence Stoff, Hamm, Germany, June 12, 1945


Stoff Family
Hamm –
12 June 1945
Florence, darling:
It was just about a year ago that I stood in the railroad depot in St. Paul greeting my pretty, but tired sweetheart, and her little bundle of fire crackers. That scene is one of the more vivid I’ll never forget, but the moment I’m looking forward to most impatiently, is to take place when I come home a free man. Not thinking about you and Jim, dreaming when I’m not planning is rare any day. With little else to do you can readily see that you and home preoccupy my thoughts. That’s one of the great difficulties being in the army – no outlet for thinking or initiative. Since this way of life hardly coincides with my own views I’m particularly happy I have so much time to devote to you. One of these days, and soon I hope, this bad dream will see its end, and then sweetheart I’ll devote my life to making us the happiest sweethearts in the world – Be patient and keep smiling – I can take it and I know you can too.

The enclosed card should bring back pleasant memories of last summer, and I sure hope you are going to spend a most pleasant time this summer in the country. I have received no mail again to-day which makes it three days in a row, so I know not whether you are in Monticello or New York. In any event I’m sure the letters will ultimately reach you. The package I wrote you about in yesterday’s letter was mailed to-day. Have sent you many packages in the past 7 or 8 weeks, and I trust you will receive and acknowledge all of them shortly.

Events move slowly in the army except when they induct you. At present it is rumored that we are to move to a not too distant town within a few weeks. This should make no difference since whenever we go we will have bullets. Mail will not be slowed up, and the change of scenery may ever break the monotony of things. Of course I will be permitted to tell you where I am, so don’t concern yourself about this more. Be assured we are not going to the Pacific, even though you and Hilda may have ideas to the contrary. You know that summons on the homefront are just as baseless as 99% of those we hear.

I have spoken to a number of officers in the past few weeks, including some in higher headquarters, and it is their candid opinion that in the near future the maximum age limit would be lowered to about 37 or 38. If the lower age is set I have to wait until November, otherwise its sooner. This is our year, darling, so keep writing those important letters and hasten it along.

Have no snapshots to enclose in today’s letter but expect another call later in the week. By this time you should have received about 75 to 85 snaps. You can see for yourself how badly some places in Europe are battered, and believe you me, dearest, the people have taken the same beating mentally and physically. No day passes without some hair-raising incident to remind one of the horrors of war. Yesterday a 10 year old girl was groping thru the ruins of a home not far from the railroad station; picked up a live hand grenade, pulled the pin unknowingly, and was blown to pieces. I didn’t see her but she was treated by the battalion surgeon, and some of the other boys saw the mess. Is it not worth the time I am putting in to assure a better world for Jim and all children to look forward to?

Hope you and Jim are in excellent health these days, having fun, getting plenty of sunshine and wholesome country air and food. Don’t overlook getting yourself a good hammock. Jim must be growing tall, speaking nicely, and I sure wish the annoying rash is cured by now. This may be a good chance for you to put a few pounds on your can, and you should take advantage of it. You’ll need it!

I feel fine and dandy, marking the days off on the calendar, not unlike a jail-bird and loving and adoring you all the time. Had fresh oranges and sunny side eggs for breakfast, and most delicious roast beef for lunch. Sure hope you are getting all the food necessities you kids need.

Stay well, keep smiling, and have fun. Kiss Jim for daddy, and I’ll keep his memory in mind. My very best to everyone
As ever
Keene State College
Item sets
Stoff 1945

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